ManufacturersRomaco Pharmatechnik GmbH
Displaying entries 1-3 of 3.
Horn & Noack (Romaco Group) DPN 760 format parts only
Horn & Noack (Romaco Group) DPN 760 format parts only, including: - Guides, - Draw Rollers, - Lower Seal Tool, - Upper Seal Tool, - Blow Form Tool, - ...
Romaco-Siebler CV 1/060 vertical cartoner with Merz infeed/counter (5 lanes) for the packing of sticks
Romaco-Siebler CV 1/060 vertical cartoner, intermittent motion with Merz infeed/counter (5 lanes) for the packing of sticks, tuck and glue closure of ...
Romaco-Siebler HM1/160 vertical strip packing machine for tablets
Romaco-Siebler HM1/160 vertical strip packing machine for tablets, 3 lanes, maximum foil width 170 mm, includes format parts for tablets with dimensions...
Displaying entries 1-3 of 3.